Company profile

Reason for Establishment
This project began with the slogan “Living with Shimanto. The starting point of the project was a project to discover sparkling local products at a supermarket in a small town called Shimanto Hamaya.
A farmer from outside the prefecture who visited Shimanto in winter asked me why you don’t grow any vegetables after paddy rice cultivation.
Upon hearing this, I asked local farmers and learned about the current state of farming problems unique to rural areas, such as the lack of a market to sell to, aging problems, and the inability to make a profit.
I launched the Shimanto Town Field Crop Promotion Project with my colleagues in the hope that if I could set a successful example in agriculture, more young people would take up farming.
Changing the image of rural agriculture, which has a strong backward-looking image, into a stylish, fun, and cool image of agriculture is also connected to the management philosophy of Shimanto Vegetable LLC, which is the slogan, “Revitalize the town through organic agriculture. We aim for a flexible and metabolically active co-creation of agriculture.

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Business Activities
- 1, Produce and sell vegetables cultivated in a natural environment (organic vegetables, organic farming without using agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers during the cultivation period)
- 2,Wholesale of vegetables purchased from fellow agricultural producers in Shimanto Town (no agricultural chemicals or chemical fertilizers used during the growing season)
- 3,Wholesale of vegetables from trusted farmers using lactic acid bacteria extract (special cultivation)
- 4,Wholesale of rice produced in Shimanto Town
- 5,Drying and hulling service of rice
- 6,Food processing business using carefully selected ingredients of the company and the region (Shimanto Yonri Division)
- 7,Dissemination of information on events, fun things to do, and delicious foods in Shimanto Town

Shimanto Vegetables LLC Company Profile

Company Name
Shimanto Vegetables LLC
32-3, Wakai, Shimanto Town, Takaoka-gun, Kochi 786-0068, Japan
Paid-in capital
Company established
July 2, 2015
Company representative
Ryuichi Hamasaki
Number of company employees

History of Shimanto Vegetable LLC
January 2015
Shimanto Organic Subcommittee established with volunteer organic farmers
July 2015
Establishment of Shimanto Vegetable Godo Kaisha (founded on 350a of leased farmland)
April 2016
Launch of the Shimanto Town Field Crop Promotion Project
April 2017
Launch of Shimanto Vegetable Brand
September 2018
Establishment of a shipping adjustment workshop to create an organic vegetable production area
January 2020
Received the Chugoku and Shikoku Agricultural Administration Bureau Director-General’s Award in the Organic Division (project to promote multifunctional activities)
April 2020
Obtained J-GAP certification for taro and ginger products (400a of farmland registered)
April 2021
Obtain JAS organic certification for 160a of farmland
February 2022
Renewed J-GAP certification and added garlic to the list of certified items
March 2022
Renewed Organic JAS certification was renewed, and certified fields were expanded to 200a.
2April, 2022
Obtained approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the Comprehensive Sixth Industrialization Business Plan.
October 2022
Started food processing business using our own and local ingredients based on the spirit of Shimanto Yonri
Launch of
S:Shimanto Town O:organic I:ispire L:land(scape) SOIL means
To develop a new wind of value creation in the region through organic agriculture.

Recruitment of associates (farm tours accepted)

Shimanto Vegetable LLC is always looking for motivated and ambitious people who want
to work in organic farming as a career.
We also accept farm tours upon scheduling. Please feel free to contact us.
If you are interested in moving to Shimanto Town, we will introduce you to a reliable
person in charge at the town office.
First of all, please come to Shimanto Town!